Ищется переводчик с англ на русский

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Ищется переводчик с англ на русский

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 17:48

Нужно перевести некоторое кол-во текста с англ на русский для этого форума, я уже задолбался перевеодить, а найти перевод для большинства модов установленных на форум не предоставляется возможным

Если кто-то поможет с переводом буду очень рад

PS: переводить ниже перечисленные вещи не надо —
// Start add - Yellow card admin MOD

и т.п.
Последний раз редактировалось PETERs602 Вс сен 11, 2005 19:04, всего редактировалось 5 раз(а).
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 17:49

// Start add - Yellow card admin MOD
$lang['Give_G_card']='Re-activate user';
$lang['Give_Y_card']='Give user warning #%d';
$lang['Give_R_card']='Ban this user now';
$lang['Ban_update_sucessful'] = 'The banlist has been updated successfully';
$lang['Ban_update_green'] = 'The user is now re-activated';
$lang['Ban_update_yellow'] = 'The user has recieved a warning, and has now a total of %d warnings of a maximum %d warnings';
$lang['Ban_update_red'] = 'The user is now banned';
$lang['Ban_reactivate'] = 'Your account has been re-activated';
$lang['Ban_warning'] = 'You\'ve recieved a warning';
$lang['Ban_blocked'] = 'Your account is now blocked';
$lang['Click_return_viewtopic'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the topic';
$lang['Rules_ban_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> ban other users in this forum';
$lang['user_no_email'] = 'The user has no email, therefore no message about this action can be sent. You should submit him/her a private message';
$lang['user_already_banned'] = 'The selected user is already banned';
$lang['Ban_no_admin'] ='This user in an ADMIN and therefore cannot be warned or banned';
$lang['Rules_greencard_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> un-ban users in this forum';
$lang['Rules_bluecard_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> report post to moderators in this forum';
$lang['Give_b_card'] = 'Report this post to the moderators of this forum';
$lang['Clear_b_card'] = 'This post has %d blue cards now. If you press this button you will clear this';
$lang['No_moderators'] = 'The forum has no moderators, No reports can be therfore sent!';
$lang['Post_repported'] = 'This post has now been reported to %d moderators';
$lang['Post_repported_1'] = 'This post has now been reported to the moderator';
$lang['Post_repport'] = 'Post Report'; //Subject in email notification
$lang['Post_reset'] = 'The blue cards for this post have now been reset';
$lang['Search_only_bluecards'] = 'Search only among posts with blue cards';
$lang['Send_message'] = 'Click %sHere%s to write a message to the moderators or <br />';
$lang['Send_PM_user'] = 'Click %sHere%s to write a PM to the user or';
$lang['Link_to_post'] = 'Click %sHere%s to go to the reported post <br/>--------------------------------<br/><br/>';
$lang['Post_a_report'] = 'Post a report';
$lang['Report_stored'] = 'Your report has been entered successfully';
$lang['Send_report'] = 'Click %sHere%s to go back to the original message';
$lang['Red_card_warning'] = 'You are about to give the user:%s a red card, this will ban the user, are you sure ?';
$lang['Yellow_card_warning'] = 'You are about to give the user:%s a yellow card, this will isue a warning to the user, are you sure ?';
$lang['Green_card_warning'] = 'You are about to give the user:%s a green card, this will unban the user, are you sure ?';
$lang['Blue_card_warning'] = 'You are about to give the post a blue card, this will alert the moderators about this post, Are you sure you want to Alert the moderators about this post ?';
$lang['Clear_blue_card_warning'] = 'You are about to reset the blue card counter for this post, Do you wan to continue ?';
$lang['Warnings'] = 'Warnings : %d'; //shown beside users post, if any warnings given to the user
$lang['Banned'] = 'Currently banned';//shown beside users post, if user are banned
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 17:51

// Start add - Yellow card admin MOD
$lang['Ban'] = 'Ban';
$lang['Max_user_bancard'] = 'Maximum number of warnings';
$lang['Max_user_bancard_explain'] = 'If a user gets more yellow cards than this limit, the user will be banned';
$lang['ban_card'] = 'Yellow card';
$lang['ban_card_explain'] = 'The user will be banned when he/she is in excess of %d yellow cards';
$lang['Greencard'] = 'Un-ban';
$lang['Bluecard'] = 'Post report';
$lang['Bluecard_limit'] = 'Interval of bluecard';
$lang['Bluecard_limit_explain'] = 'Notify the moderators again for every x bluecards given to a post';
$lang['Bluecard_limit_2'] = 'Limit of bluecard';
$lang['Bluecard_limit_2_explain'] = 'First notification to moderators is sent, when a post get this amount of blue cards';
$lang['Report_forum']= 'Report forum';
$lang['Report_forum_explain'] = 'Select the forum where users reports are to be posted, users MUST atleast have post/reply
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 18:52

// Attachment Mod Main Language Variables

// Auth Related Entries
$lang['Rules_attach_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> attach files in this forum';
$lang['Rules_attach_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> attach files in this forum';
$lang['Rules_download_can'] = 'You <b>can</b> download files in this forum';
$lang['Rules_download_cannot'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> download files in this forum';
$lang['Sorry_auth_view_attach'] = 'Sorry but you are not authorized to view or download this Attachment';

// Viewtopic -> Display of Attachments
$lang['Description'] = 'Description'; // used in Administration Panel too...
$lang['Downloaded'] = 'Downloaded';
$lang['Download'] = 'Download'; // this Language Variable is defined in lang_admin.php too, but we are unable to access it from the main Language File
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Viewed'] = 'Viewed';
$lang['Download_number'] = '%d Time(s)'; // replace %d with count
$lang['Extension_disabled_after_posting'] = 'The Extension \'%s\' was deactivated by an board admin, therefore this Attachment is not displayed.'; // used in Posts and PM's, replace %s with mime type

// Posting/PM -> Initial Display
$lang['Attach_posting_cp'] = 'Attachment Posting Control Panel';
$lang['Attach_posting_cp_explain'] = 'If you click on Add an Attachment, you will see the box for adding Attachments.<br />If you click on Posted Attachments, you will see a list of already attached Files and you are able to edit them.<br />If you want to Replace (Upload new Version) an Attachment, you have to click both links. Add the Attachment as you normally would do, thereafter don\'t click on Add Attachment, rather click on Upload New Version at the Attachment Entry you intend to update.';

// Posting/PM -> Posting Attachments
$lang['Add_attachment'] = 'Add Attachment';
$lang['Add_attachment_title'] = 'Add an Attachment';
$lang['Add_attachment_explain'] = 'If you do not want to add an Attachment to your Post, please leave the Fields blank';
$lang['File_name'] = 'Filename';
$lang['File_comment'] = 'File Comment';

// Posting/PM -> Posted Attachments
$lang['Posted_attachments'] = 'Posted Attachments';
$lang['Options'] = 'Options';
$lang['Update_comment'] = 'Update Comment';
$lang['Delete_attachments'] = 'Delete Attachments';
$lang['Delete_attachment'] = 'Delete Attachment';
$lang['Delete_thumbnail'] = 'Delete Thumbnail';
$lang['Upload_new_version'] = 'Upload New Version';

// Errors -> Posting Attachments
$lang['Invalid_filename'] = '%s is an invalid filename'; // replace %s with given filename
$lang['Attachment_php_size_na'] = 'The Attachment is too big.<br />Couldn\'t get the maximum Size defined in PHP.<br />The Attachment Mod is unable to determine the maximum Upload Size defined in the php.ini.';
$lang['Attachment_php_size_overrun'] = 'The Attachment is too big.<br />Maximum Upload Size: %d MB.<br />Please note that this Size is defined in php.ini, this means it\'s set by PHP and the Attachment Mod can not override this value.'; // replace %d with ini_get('upload_max_filesize')
$lang['Disallowed_extension'] = 'The Extension %s is not allowed'; // replace %s with extension (e.g. .php)
$lang['Disallowed_extension_within_forum'] = 'You are not allowed to post Files with the Extension %s within this Forum'; // replace %s with the Extension
$lang['Attachment_too_big'] = 'The Attachment is too big.<br />Max Size: %d %s'; // replace %d with maximum file size, %s with size var
$lang['Attach_quota_reached'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments is reached. Please contact the Board Administrator if you have questions.';
$lang['Too_many_attachments'] = 'Attachment cannot be added, since the max. number of %d Attachments in this post was achieved'; // replace %d with maximum number of attachments
$lang['Error_imagesize'] = 'The Attachment/Image must be less than %d pixels wide and %d pixels high';
$lang['General_upload_error'] = 'Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to %s.'; // replace %s with local path

$lang['Error_empty_add_attachbox'] = 'You have to enter values in the \'Add an Attachment\' Box';
$lang['Error_missing_old_entry'] = 'Unable to Update Attachment, could not find old Attachment Entry';

// Errors -> PM Related
$lang['Attach_quota_sender_pm_reached'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments in your Private Message Folder has been reached. Please delete some of your received/sent Attachments.';
$lang['Attach_quota_receiver_pm_reached'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments in the Private Message Folder of \'%s\' has been reached. Please let him know, or wait until he/she has deleted some of his/her Attachments.';

// Errors -> Download
$lang['No_attachment_selected'] = 'You haven\'t selected an attachment to download or view.';
$lang['Error_no_attachment'] = 'The selected Attachment does not exist anymore';

// Delete Attachments
$lang['Confirm_delete_attachments'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Attachments?';
$lang['Deleted_attachments'] = 'The selected Attachments have been deleted.';
$lang['Error_deleted_attachments'] = 'Could not delete Attachments.';
$lang['Confirm_delete_pm_attachments'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all Attachments posted in this PM?';

// General Error Messages
$lang['Attachment_feature_disabled'] = 'The Attachment Feature is disabled.';

$lang['Directory_does_not_exist'] = 'The Directory \'%s\' does not exist or couldn\'t be found.'; // replace %s with directory
$lang['Directory_is_not_a_dir'] = 'Please check if \'%s\' is a directory.'; // replace %s with directory
$lang['Directory_not_writeable'] = 'Directory \'%s\' is not writeable. You\'ll have to create the upload path and chmod it to 777 (or change the owner to you httpd-servers owner) to upload files.<br />If you have only plain ftp-access change the \'Attribute\' of the directory to rwxrwxrwx.'; // replace %s with directory

$lang['Ftp_error_connect'] = 'Could not connect to FTP Server: \'%s\'. Please check your FTP-Settings.';
$lang['Ftp_error_login'] = 'Could not login to FTP Server. The Username \'%s\' or the Password is wrong. Please check your FTP-Settings.';
$lang['Ftp_error_path'] = 'Could not access ftp directory: \'%s\'. Please check your FTP Settings.';
$lang['Ftp_error_upload'] = 'Could not upload files to ftp directory: \'%s\'. Please check your FTP Settings.';
$lang['Ftp_error_delete'] = 'Could not delete files in ftp directory: \'%s\'. Please check your FTP Settings.<br />Another reason for this error could be the non-existence of the Attachment, please check this first in Shadow Attachments.';
$lang['Ftp_error_pasv_mode'] = 'Unable to enable/disable FTP Passive Mode';

// Attach Rules Window
$lang['Rules_page'] = 'Attachment Rules';
$lang['Attach_rules_title'] = 'Allowed Extension Groups and their Sizes';
$lang['Group_rule_header'] = '%s -> Maximum Upload Size: %s'; // Replace first %s with Extension Group, second one with the Size STRING
$lang['Allowed_extensions_and_sizes'] = 'Allowed Extensions and Sizes';
$lang['Note_user_empty_group_permissions'] = 'NOTE:<br />You are normally allowed to attach files within this Forum, <br />but since no Extension Group is allowed to be attached here, <br />you are unable to attach anything. If you try, <br />you will receive an Error Message.<br />';

// Quota Variables
$lang['Upload_quota'] = 'Upload Quota';
$lang['Pm_quota'] = 'PM Quota';
$lang['User_upload_quota_reached'] = 'Sorry, you have reached your maximum Upload Quota Limit of %d %s'; // replace %d with Size, %s with Size Lang (MB for example)

// User Attachment Control Panel
$lang['User_acp_title'] = 'User ACP';
$lang['UACP'] = 'User Attachment Control Panel';
$lang['User_uploaded_profile'] = 'Uploaded: %s';
$lang['User_quota_profile'] = 'Quota: %s';
$lang['Upload_percent_profile'] = '%d%% of total';

// Common Variables
$lang['Bytes'] = 'Bytes';
$lang['KB'] = 'KB';
$lang['MB'] = 'MB';
$lang['Attach_search_query'] = 'Search Attachments';
$lang['Test_settings'] = 'Test Settings';
$lang['Not_assigned'] = 'Not Assigned';
$lang['No_file_comment_available'] = 'No File Comment available';
$lang['Attachbox_limit'] = 'Your Attachbox is %d%% full';
$lang['No_quota_limit'] = 'No Quota Limit';
$lang['Unlimited'] = 'Unlimited';
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 18:52

$faq[] = array("--","Attachments");

$faq[] = array("How do I add an attachment?", "You can add attachments when you post a new post. You should see a <i>Add an Attachment</i> form below the main posting box. When you click the <i>Browse...</i> button the standard Open dialogue window for your computer will open. Browse to the file you want to attach, select it and click OK, Open or doubleclick according to your liking and/or the correct procedure for your computer. If you choose to add a comment in the <i>File Comment</i> field this comment will be used as a link to the attached file. If you haven't added a comment the filename itself will be used to link to the attachment. If the board administrator has allowed it you will be able to upload multiple attachements by following the same procedure as described above until you reach the max allowed number of attachments for each post.<br/><br/>The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, defined file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. Be aware that it's your responsiblity that your attachments comply with the boards acceptance of use policy, and that they may be deleted without warning.<br/><br/>Please note that the boards owner, webmaster, administrator or moderators can not and will not take responsibility for any loss of data.");

$faq[] = array("How do I add an attachment after the initial posting?", "To add an attachment after the initial posting you'll need to edit your post and follow the description above. The new attachment will be added when you click <i>Submit</i> to add the edited post.");

$faq[] = array("How do I delete an attachment?", "To delete attachments you'll need to edit your post and click on the <i>Delete Attachment</i> next to the attachment you want to delete in the <i>Posted Attachments</i> box. The attachment will be deleted when you click <i>Submit</i> to add the edited post.");

$faq[] = array("How do I update a file comment?", "To update a file comment you'll need to edit your post, edit the text in the <i>File Comment</i> field and click on the <i>Update Comment</i> button next to the file comment you want to update in the <i>Posted Attachments</i> box. The file comment will be updated when you click <i>Submit</i> to add the edited post.");

$faq[] = array("Why isn't my attachment visible in the post?", "Most probably the file or Extension is no longer allowed on the forum, or a moderator or administrator has deleted it for being in conflict with the boards acceptance of use policy.");

$faq[] = array("Why can't I add attachments?", "On some forums adding attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To add attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.");

$faq[] = array("I've got the necessary permissions, why can't I add attachments?", "The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. A moderator or administrator may have altered your permissions, or discontinued attachments in the specific forum. You should get an explanation in the error message when trying to add an attachment, if not you might consider contacting the moderator or administrator.");

$faq[] = array("Why can't I delete attachments?", "On some forums deleting attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To delete attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.");

$faq[] = array("Why can't I view/download attachments?", "On some viewing/downloading forums attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To view/download attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.");

$faq[] = array("Who do I contact about illegal or possibly illegal attachments?", "You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who this is you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If you still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo, free.fr, f2s.com, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the phpbb.com website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.");
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение PETERs602 » Вс сен 11, 2005 18:53

// Attachment Mod Admin Language Variables

// Modules, this replaces the keys used
$lang['Control_Panel'] = 'Control Panel';
$lang['Shadow_attachments'] = 'Shadow Attachments';
$lang['Forbidden_extensions'] = 'Forbidden Extensions';
$lang['Extension_control'] = 'Extension Control';
$lang['Extension_group_manage'] = 'Extension Groups Control';
$lang['Special_categories'] = 'Special Categories';
$lang['Sync_attachments'] = 'Synchronize Attachments';
$lang['Quota_limits'] = 'Quota Limits';

// Attachments -> Management
$lang['Attach_settings'] = 'Attachment Settings';
$lang['Manage_attachments_explain'] = 'Here you can configure the Main Settings for the Attachment Mod. If you press the Test Settings Button, the Attachment Mod does a few System Tests to be sure that the Mod will work properly. If you have problems with uploading Files, please run this Test, to become a detailed error-message.';
$lang['Attach_filesize_settings'] = 'Attachment Filesize Settings';
$lang['Attach_number_settings'] = 'Attachment Number Settings';
$lang['Attach_options_settings'] = 'Attachment Options';

$lang['Upload_directory'] = 'Upload Directory';
$lang['Upload_directory_explain'] = 'Enter the relative path from your phpBB2 installation to the Attachments upload directory. For example, enter \'files\' if your phpBB2 Installation is located at http://www.yourdomain.com/phpBB2 and the Attachment Upload Directory is located at http://www.yourdomain.com/phpBB2/files.';
$lang['Attach_img_path'] = 'Attachment Posting Icon';
$lang['Attach_img_path_explain'] = 'This Image is displayed next to Attachment Links in individual Postings. Leave this field empty if you don\'t want an icon to be displayed. This Setting will be overwritten by the Settings in Extension Groups Management.';
$lang['Attach_topic_icon'] = 'Attachment Topic Icon';
$lang['Attach_topic_icon_explain'] = 'This Image is displayed before topics with Attachments. Leave this field empty if you don\'t want an icon to be displayed.';
$lang['Attach_display_order'] = 'Attachment Display Order';
$lang['Attach_display_order_explain'] = 'Here you can choose whether to display the Attachments in Posts/PMs in Descending Filetime Order (Newest Attachment First) or Ascending Filetime Order (Oldest Attachment First).';
$lang['Show_apcp'] = 'Show new Attachment Posting Control Panel';
$lang['Show_apcp_explain'] = 'Choose whether to display the Attachment Posting Control Panel (yes) or the old method with two Boxes for Attaching Files and editing your posted Attachments (no) within your Posting Screen. The look of it is very hard to explain, therefore it\'s best to try it out.';

$lang['Max_filesize_attach'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['Max_filesize_attach_explain'] = 'Maximum filesize for Attachments. A value of 0 means \'unlimited\'. This Setting is restricted by your Server Configuration. For example, if your php Configuration only allows a maximum of 2 MB uploads, this cannot be overwritten by the Mod.';
$lang['Attach_quota'] = 'Attachment Quota';
$lang['Attach_quota_explain'] = 'Maximum Disk Space ALL Attachments can hold on your Webspace. A value of 0 means \'unlimited\'.';
$lang['Max_filesize_pm'] = 'Maximum Filesize in Private Messages Folder';
$lang['Max_filesize_pm_explain'] = 'Maximum Disk Space Attachments can use up in each User\'s Private Message box. A value of 0 means \'unlimited\'.';
$lang['Default_quota_limit'] = 'Default Quota Limit';
$lang['Default_quota_limit_explain'] = 'Here you are able to select the Default Quota Limit automatically assigned to newly registered Users and Users without an defined Quota Limit. The Option \'No Quota Limit\' is for not using any Attachment Quotas, instead using the default Settings you have defined within this Management Panel.';

$lang['Max_attachments'] = 'Maximum Number of Attachments';
$lang['Max_attachments_explain'] = 'The maximum number of attachments allowed in one post.';
$lang['Max_attachments_pm'] = 'Maximum number of Attachments in one Private Message';
$lang['Max_attachments_pm_explain'] = 'Define the maximum number of attachments the user is allowed to include in a private message.';

$lang['Disable_mod'] = 'Disable Attachment Mod';
$lang['Disable_mod_explain'] = 'This option is mainly for testing new templates or themes, it disables all Attachment Functions except the Admin Panel.';
$lang['PM_Attachments'] = 'Allow Attachments in Private Messages';
$lang['PM_Attachments_explain'] = 'Allow/Disallow attaching files to Private Messages.';
$lang['Ftp_upload'] = 'Enable FTP Upload';
$lang['Ftp_upload_explain'] = 'Enable/Disable the FTP Upload option. If you set it to yes, you have to define the Attachment FTP Settings and the Upload Directory is no longer used.';
$lang['Attachment_topic_review'] = 'Do you want to display Attachments in the Topic Review Window ?';
$lang['Attachment_topic_review_explain'] = 'If you choose yes, all attached Files will be displayed in Topic Review when you post a reply.';

$lang['Ftp_server'] = 'FTP Upload Server';
$lang['Ftp_server_explain'] = 'Here you can enter the IP-Address or FTP-Hostname of the Server used for your uploaded files. If you leave this field empty, the Server on which your phpBB2 Board is installed will be used. Please note that it is not allowed to add ftp:// or something else to the address, just plain ftp.foo.com or, which is a lot faster, the plain IP Address.';

$lang['Attach_ftp_path'] = 'FTP Path to your upload directory';
$lang['Attach_ftp_path_explain'] = 'The Directory where your Attachments will be stored. This Directory doesn\'t have to be chmodded. Please don\'t enter your IP or FTP-Address here, this input field is only for the FTP Path.<br />For example: /home/web/uploads';
$lang['Ftp_download_path'] = 'Download Link to FTP Path';
$lang['Ftp_download_path_explain'] = 'Enter the URL to your FTP Path, where your Attachments are stored.<br />If you are using a Remote FTP Server, please enter the complete url, for example http://www.mystorage.com/phpBB2/upload. />If you are using your Local Host to store your Files, you are able to enter the url path relative to your phpBB2 Directory, for example \'upload\'.<br />A trailing slash will be removed. Leave this field empty, if the FTP Path is not accessible from the Internet. With this field empty you are unable to use the physical download method.';
$lang['Ftp_passive_mode'] = 'Enable FTP Passive Mode';
$lang['Ftp_passive_mode_explain'] = 'The PASV command requests that the remote server open a port for the data connection and return the address of that port. The remote server listens on that port and the client connects to it.';

$lang['No_ftp_extensions_installed'] = 'You are not able to use the FTP Upload Methods, because FTP Extensions are not compiled into your PHP Installation.';

// Attachments -> Shadow Attachments
$lang['Shadow_attachments_explain'] = 'Here you can delete attachment data from postings when the files are missing from your filesystem, and delete files that are no longer attached to any postings. You can download or view a file if you click on it; if no link is present, the file does not exist.';
$lang['Shadow_attachments_file_explain'] = 'Delete all attachments files that exist on your filesystem and are not assigned to an existing post.';
$lang['Shadow_attachments_row_explain'] = 'Delete all posting attachment data for files that don\'t exist on your filesystem.';
$lang['Empty_file_entry'] = 'Empty File Entry';

// Attachments -> Sync
$lang['Sync_thumbnail_resetted'] = 'Thumbnail resetted for Attachment: %s'; // replace %s with physical Filename
$lang['Attach_sync_finished'] = 'Attachment Syncronization Finished.';

// Extensions -> Extension Control
$lang['Manage_extensions'] = 'Manage Extensions';
$lang['Manage_extensions_explain'] = 'Here you can manage your File Extensions. If you want to allow/disallow a Extension to be uploaded, please use the Extension Groups Management.';
$lang['Explanation'] = 'Explanation';
$lang['Extension_group'] = 'Extension Group';
$lang['Invalid_extension'] = 'Invalid Extension';
$lang['Extension_exist'] = 'The Extension %s already exist'; // replace %s with the Extension
$lang['Unable_add_forbidden_extension'] = 'The Extension %s is forbidden, you are not able to add it to the allowed Extensions'; // replace %s with Extension

// Extensions -> Extension Groups Management
$lang['Manage_extension_groups'] = 'Manage Extension Groups';
$lang['Manage_extension_groups_explain'] = 'Here you can add, delete and modify your Extension Groups, you can disable Extension Groups, assign a special Category to them, change the download mechanism and you can define a Upload Icon which will be displayed in front of an Attachment belonging to the Group.';
$lang['Special_category'] = 'Special Category';
$lang['Category_images'] = 'Images';
$lang['Category_stream_files'] = 'Stream Files';
$lang['Category_swf_files'] = 'Flash Files';
$lang['Allowed'] = 'Allowed';
$lang['Allowed_forums'] = 'Allowed Forums';
$lang['Ext_group_permissions'] = 'Group Permissions';
$lang['Download_mode'] = 'Download Mode';
$lang['Upload_icon'] = 'Upload Icon';
$lang['Max_groups_filesize'] = 'Maximum Filesize';
$lang['Extension_group_exist'] = 'The Extension Group %s already exist'; // replace %s with the group name
$lang['Collapse'] = '+';
$lang['Decollapse'] = '-';

// Extensions -> Special Categories
$lang['Manage_categories'] = 'Manage Special Categories';
$lang['Manage_categories_explain'] = 'Here you can configure the Special Categories. You can set up Special Parameters and Conditions for the Special Categorys assigned to an Extension Group.';
$lang['Settings_cat_images'] = 'Settings for Special Category: Images';
$lang['Settings_cat_streams'] = 'Settings for Special Category: Stream Files';
$lang['Settings_cat_flash'] = 'Settings for Special Category: Flash Files';
$lang['Display_inlined'] = 'Display Images Inlined';
$lang['Display_inlined_explain'] = 'Choose whether to display images directly within the post (yes) or to display images as a link ?';
$lang['Max_image_size'] = 'Maximum Image Dimensions';
$lang['Max_image_size_explain'] = 'Here you can define the maximum allowed Image Dimension to be attached (Width x Height in pixels).<br />If it is set to 0x0, this feature is disabled. With some Images this Feature will not work due to limitations in PHP.';
$lang['Image_link_size'] = 'Image Link Dimensions';
$lang['Image_link_size_explain'] = 'If this defined Dimension of an Image is reached, the Image will be displayed as a Link, rather than displaying it inlined,<br />if Inline View is enabled (Width x Height in pixels).<br />If it is set to 0x0, this feature is disabled. With some Images this Feature will not work due to limitations in PHP.';
$lang['Assigned_group'] = 'Assigned Group';

$lang['Image_create_thumbnail'] = 'Create Thumbnail';
$lang['Image_create_thumbnail_explain'] = 'Always create a Thumbnail. This feature overrides nearly all Settings within this Special Category, except of the Maximum Image Dimensions. With this Feature a Thumbnail will be displayed within the post, the User can click it to open the real Image.<br />Please Note that this feature requires Imagick to be installed, if it\'s not installed or if Safe-Mode is enabled the GD-Extension of PHP will be used. If the Image-Type is not supported by PHP, this Feature will be not used.';
$lang['Image_min_thumb_filesize'] = 'Minimum Thumbnail Filesize';
$lang['Image_min_thumb_filesize_explain'] = 'If a Image is smaller than this defined Filesize, no Thumbnail will be created, because it\'s small enough.';
$lang['Image_imagick_path'] = 'Imagick Program (Complete Path)';
$lang['Image_imagick_path_explain'] = 'Enter the Path to the convert program of imagick, normally /usr/bin/convert (on windows: c:/imagemagick/convert.exe).';
$lang['Image_search_imagick'] = 'Search Imagick';

$lang['Use_gd2'] = 'Make use of GD2 Extension';
$lang['Use_gd2_explain'] = 'PHP is able to be compiled with the GD1 or GD2 Extension for image manipulating. To correctly create Thumbnails without imagemagick the Attachment Mod uses two different methods, based on your selection here. If your thumbnails are in a bad quality or screwed up, try to change this setting.';
$lang['Attachment_version'] = 'Attachment Mod Version %s'; // %s is the version number

// Extensions -> Forbidden Extensions
$lang['Manage_forbidden_extensions'] = 'Manage Forbidden Extensions';
$lang['Manage_forbidden_extensions_explain'] = 'Here you can add or delete the forbidden extensions. The Extensions php, php3 and php4 are forbidden by default for security reasons, you can not delete them.';
$lang['Forbidden_extension_exist'] = 'The forbidden Extension %s already exist'; // replace %s with the extension
$lang['Extension_exist_forbidden'] = 'The Extension %s is defined in your allowed Extensions, please delete it their before you add it here.'; // replace %s with the extension

// Extensions -> Extension Groups Control -> Group Permissions
$lang['Group_permissions_title'] = 'Extension Group Permissions -> \'%s\''; // Replace %s with the Groups Name
$lang['Group_permissions_explain'] = 'Here you are able to restrict the selected Extension Group to Forums of your choice (defined in the Allowed Forums Box). The Default is to allow Extension Groups to all Forums the User is able to Attach Files into (the normal way the Attachment Mod did it since the beginning). Just add those Forums you want the Extension Group (the Extensions within this Group) to be allowed there, the default ALL FORUMS will disappear when you add Forums to the List. You are able to re-add ALL FORUMS at any given Time. If you add a Forum to your Board and the Permission is set to ALL FORUMS nothing will change. But if you have changed and restricted the access to certain Forums, you have to check back here to add your newly created Forum. It is easy to do this automatically, but this will force you to edit a bunch of Files, therefore i have chosen the way it is now. Please keep in mind, that all of your Forums will be listed here.';
$lang['Note_admin_empty_group_permissions'] = 'NOTE:<br />Within the below listed Forums your Users are normally allowed to attach files, but since no Extension Group is allowed to be attached there, your Users are unable to attach anything. If they try, they will receive Error Messages. Maybe you want to set the Permission \'Post Files\' to ADMIN at these Forums.<br /><br />';
$lang['Add_forums'] = 'Add Forums';
$lang['Add_selected'] = 'Add Selected';
$lang['Perm_all_forums'] = 'ALL FORUMS';

// Attachments -> Quota Limits
$lang['Manage_quotas'] = 'Manage Attachment Quota Limits';
$lang['Manage_quotas_explain'] = 'Here you are able to add/delete/change Quota Limits. You are able to assign these Quota Limits to Users and Groups later. To assign a Quota Limit to a User, you have to go to Users->Management, select the User and you will see the Options at the bottom. To assign a Quota Limit to a Group, go to Groups->Management, select the Group to edit it, and you will see the Configuration Settings. If you want to see, which Users and Groups are assigned to a specific Quota Limit, click on \'View\' at the left of the Quota Description.';
$lang['Assigned_users'] = 'Assigned Users';
$lang['Assigned_groups'] = 'Assigned Groups';
$lang['Quota_limit_exist'] = 'The Quota Limit %s exist already.'; // Replace %s with the Quota Description

// Attachments -> Control Panel
$lang['Control_panel_title'] = 'File Attachment Control Panel';
$lang['Control_panel_explain'] = 'Here you can view and manage all attachments based on Users, Attachments, Views etc...';
$lang['File_comment_cp'] = 'File Comment';

// Control Panel -> Search
$lang['Search_wildcard_explain'] = 'Use * as a wildcard for partial matches';
$lang['Size_smaller_than'] = 'Attachment size smaller than (bytes)';
$lang['Size_greater_than'] = 'Attachment size greater than (bytes)';
$lang['Count_smaller_than'] = 'Download count is smaller than';
$lang['Count_greater_than'] = 'Download count is greater than';
$lang['More_days_old'] = 'More than this many days old';
$lang['No_attach_search_match'] = 'No Attachments met your search criteria';

// Control Panel -> Statistics
$lang['Number_of_attachments'] = 'Number of Attachments';
$lang['Total_filesize'] = 'Total Filesize';
$lang['Number_posts_attach'] = 'Number of Posts with Attachments';
$lang['Number_topics_attach'] = 'Number of Topics with Attachments';
$lang['Number_users_attach'] = 'Independent Users Posted Attachments';
$lang['Number_pms_attach'] = 'Total Number of Attachments in Private Messages';

// Control Panel -> Attachments
$lang['Statistics_for_user'] = 'Attachment Statistics for %s'; // replace %s with username
$lang['Size_in_kb'] = 'Size (KB)';
$lang['Downloads'] = 'Downloads';
$lang['Post_time'] = 'Post Time';
$lang['Posted_in_topic'] = 'Posted in Topic';
$lang['Submit_changes'] = 'Submit Changes';

// Sort Types
$lang['Sort_Attachments'] = 'Attachments';
$lang['Sort_Size'] = 'Size';
$lang['Sort_Filename'] = 'Filename';
$lang['Sort_Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Sort_Extension'] = 'Extension';
$lang['Sort_Downloads'] = 'Downloads';
$lang['Sort_Posttime'] = 'Post Time';
$lang['Sort_Posts'] = 'Posts';

// View Types
$lang['View_Statistic'] = 'Statistics';
$lang['View_Search'] = 'Search';
$lang['View_Username'] = 'Username';
$lang['View_Attachments'] = 'Attachments';

// Successfully updated
$lang['Attach_config_updated'] = 'Attachment Configuration updated successfully';
$lang['Click_return_attach_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Attachment Configuration';
$lang['Test_settings_successful'] = 'Settings Test finished, configuration seems to be fine.';

// Some basic definitions
$lang['Attachments'] = 'Attachments';
$lang['Attachment'] = 'Attachment';
$lang['Extensions'] = 'Extensions';
$lang['Extension'] = 'Extension';

// Auth pages
$lang['Auth_attach'] = 'Post Files';
$lang['Auth_download'] = 'Download Files';
Site Admin
Сообщения: 372
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 23:27
Откуда: ??????, ??. ???????

Сообщение GetinakS » Вс сен 11, 2005 19:57

сча переведу, начинаю с первого поста
Стимул это такая римская палка - ее быкам в жопу тыкали чтобы работали лучше.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 44
Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 24, 2005 0:24
Откуда: растут кривые руки

Сообщение GetinakS » Вс сен 11, 2005 20:17

// Start add - Yellow card admin MOD
$lang['Give_G_card']='Снять все предупреждения и баны';
$lang['Give_Y_card']='Выдать предупреждение #%d';
$lang['Give_R_card']='Отправить в банлист прямо сейчас';
$lang['Ban_update_sucessful'] = 'Банлист успешно обновлен';
$lang['Ban_update_green'] = 'Предупреждения и баны сняты';
$lang['Ban_update_yellow'] = 'Пользователь получил предупреждение, сейчас у него %d предупрежний(ие, ия) из %d возможных';
$lang['Ban_update_red'] = 'Пользователь забанен';
$lang['Ban_reactivate'] = 'Вы разбанены';
$lang['Ban_warning'] = 'Вы получили предупреждение';
$lang['Ban_blocked'] = 'Ваш аккаунт заблокирован';
$lang['Click_return_viewtopic'] = 'нажмите %sздесь%s для возвращения в тему';
$lang['Rules_ban_can'] = 'Вы <b>можете</b> банить пользователей на этом форуме';
$lang['user_no_email'] = 'У пользователя нет email, соответственно он не получит уведомления о вышем действии, сообщите ему это каким-либо способом';
$lang['user_already_banned'] = 'Выбраный пользователь уже забанен';
$lang['Ban_no_admin'] ='Забанить АДМИНА невозможно';
$lang['Rules_greencard_can'] = 'Вы <b>можете</b> разбанивать пользователей на этом форуме';
$lang['Rules_bluecard_can'] = 'Вы <b>можете</b> пожаловаться модератору на этом форуме';
$lang['Give_b_card'] = 'Сообщить модератору';
$lang['Clear_b_card'] = 'Этот пост имеет %d синих карточек. Если вы нажмете эту кнопку, то вы их снимит';
$lang['No_moderators'] = 'В этом форуме нет модератора, жалоба не возможна';
$lang['Post_repported'] = 'Жалоба на этот пост была направлена %d модераторам';
$lang['Post_repported_1'] = 'Жалоба на этот пост была направлена модератору';
$lang['Post_repport'] = 'Жалоба на пост'; //Subject in email notification
$lang['Post_reset'] = 'Синие карточки этого поста были сброшены';
$lang['Search_only_bluecards'] = 'Искать посты только с синими карточками';
$lang['Send_message'] = 'Нажмите %sздесь%s чтобы написать сообщение модератору, или<br />';
$lang['Send_PM_user'] = 'Нажмите %sздесь%s чтобы написать ЛС пользователю, или';
$lang['Link_to_post'] = 'Нажмите %sздесь%s чтобы перейти к посту <br/>--------------------------------<br/><br/>';
$lang['Post_a_report'] = 'Написать жалобу';
$lang['Report_stored'] = 'Ваша жалоба успешно сохранена';
$lang['Send_report'] = 'Нажмите %sздесь%s чтобы перейти к исходному сообщению';
$lang['Red_card_warning'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите выдать красную карточку пользователю:%s ?(это забанит его)';
$lang['Yellow_card_warning'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите выдать желтую карточку пользователю:%s ?(это выдаст прдупреждение пользователю)';
$lang['Green_card_warning'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите выдать зелёную карточку пользователю:%s ?(это разбанит его)';
$lang['Blue_card_warning'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите отметить сообщение синей карточкой, это вызовет отправку жалобы на сообщение модератору.';
$lang['Clear_blue_card_warning'] = 'Вы собираетесь обнулить кол-во синих карточек у этого поста, вы уверены?';
$lang['Warnings'] = 'Предупреждений : %d'; //shown beside users post, if any warnings given to the user
$lang['Banned'] = 'В Бане';//shown beside users post, if user are banned
Стимул это такая римская палка - ее быкам в жопу тыкали чтобы работали лучше.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 44
Зарегистрирован: Вс июл 24, 2005 0:24
Откуда: растут кривые руки

Сообщение Admin » Пт мар 31, 2006 14:32

Все нужные локализации найдены.

PS: тема закрыта.
Аватара пользователя
Site Admin
Сообщения: 23
Зарегистрирован: Сб июл 23, 2005 22:17
Откуда: http://www.m9-com.ru/forum/

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